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Supply chain act audits with ex:plore

Create your supply chain act report digitally. We take care of the filing.







Supply Chain Act software for easy reporting and auditing


With the entry into force of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) at the beginning of 2023, the focus on the responsibility of companies with regard to global human rights and environmental standards has increased. Minimum criteria for due diligence obligations have been defined for companies with more than 3,000 employees. These must also be disclosed in an annual supply chain act report (LkSG report). Since 2024, the reporting obligation now also applies to companies with 1,000 or more employees in Germany. A supply chain audit (LkSG audit) is a key element in verifying compliance with due diligence obligations. 


In a systematic, independent and documented process, compliance with corporate due diligence obligations is checked throughout the entire supply chain and prepared in a final report in accordance with national standards. These criteria include human rights, such as fair working conditions or wages, as well as environmental protection. 


ex:plore as supply chain software supports your company in the efficient and automated implementation of supply chain audits and your obligation to submit the annual Supply Chain Act report, which we also submit to the BAFA for you. Arrange a free online demo with us and test ex:plore for your company.

Supply Chain Act Audits & Reporting Requirements

Advantages of ex:plore as supply chain software


Fully digitizing your audit processes not only makes it easier to gather and document information. Sharing it with stakeholders is also greatly simplified.


Multilingual requirements or an extensive master data set: With our software solution, you can transparently map and view international, multi-layered supply chains with the click of a mouse.

Data security

The security of your data is our top priority. With this in mind, our software solutions are developed and hosted exclusively in Germany. They meet the highest security standards.

How do you meet your Supply Chain Act reporting requirements?

The German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) provides a comprehensive Supply Chain Act questionnaire to fulfill its reporting requirements. By answering the questionnaire truthfully and completely, you will be able to identify possible risks regarding human rights violations and due diligence obligations in your supply chains. In ex:plore, we provide you with the questionnaire digitally and support you in registering and submitting the results to the BAFA portal. 

Digital processing using ex:plore

Collect data about your supply chains with the ex:plore audit software. Use the questionnaire template, distribute the questions automatically to your stakeholders, track optimization measures and present the results of your supply chain audit transparently and comprehensibly. This provides you with an ideal basis for submission to the BAFA portal.

BAFA registration and submission

Are you one step ahead and already have your company's supply chain data? The results can now be reported. We can take care of this step for you and register your company. We will report the collected data to the BAFA in a very straightforward manner.

5 reasons for supply chain act reports & audits with ex:plore


Flexible representation of complex supply chains & master data

ex:plore is a highly flexible master data management system for complex corporate structures and supply chains. From the representation of individual suppliers for small and medium-sized companies to the representation of a large holding company with several subsidiaries, each with their own supply chains, ex:plore helps you to maintain an overview.


Easy-to-use digital processes and questionnaires

With ex:plore you can provide your suppliers with user-friendly online questionnaires to collect important data for legally required criteria. These can be documented via document upload and validated in a clear process within ex:plore. This makes it easy to disclose information about your own business practices or those of your subcontractors.


Designed to meet international standards and multilingualism

ex:plore supports your company in obtaining important international and multilingual information about your supply chain. It enables you to give your suppliers a transparent insight into the standards and laws that apply to your contractual relationship. Internationally varying labor and environmental standards are presented in a comprehensible way.


Collect supply chain data objectively and seamlessly

With ex:plore you can rely on a transparent, audit-proof and digital system for the seamless collection of all necessary data from your supply chains. The processes are characterized by independence and objectivity.


Save time and money with an efficient cloud solution

A comprehensive supply chain audit can be time-consuming and costly, especially if it involves several international supply chain stages. ex:plore is the ideal tool for this. With this efficient cloud solution, you can conveniently and transparently audit even complex supply chains in challenging contractual situations, thus saving a lot of time and money.

Data protection & security are our cornerstones.

We have over 30 years experience & a global network.

Our products are designed to conserve resources.

EXCON is a reliable partner

Trial ex:plore Audit Software

Our experts will be happy to show you how the software works.

What are the next steps after sending the form?

  1. After submitting the contact form, we usually get back to you the same day on business days.

  2. Next, we will schedule an online appointment together. We will clarify any open questions so that we can customize your demo.

  3. The demo will take place digitally with our experts on the agreed date.

An overview of supply chain due diligence act

Companies must comply with human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in their supply chains to prevent or minimize risks. These due diligence obligations are set out in Section 3 of the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains:  


  1. Establishment of a risk management system (Sect. 4 para. 1)

  2. Definition of an internal company responsibility (Sect. 4 para. 3) 

  3. Conduct regular risk analyses (Sect. 5)

  4. Issue a policy statement (Sect. 6 para. 2)

  5. Establishment of preventive measures within the company and with suppliers (Sect. 6 para. 1, 3, 4)

  6. Taking corrective action (Sect. 7 para.1 to 3)

  7. Establishment of a complaints procedure (Sect. 8)

  8. Implementation of due diligence obligations for indirect suppliers (Sect. 9)

  9. Documentation (Sect. 10 para. 1)

  10. Reporting (Sect. 10 para. 2)

Risk management & risk analyses

Companies need to establish an effective risk management system to meet their corporate due diligence obligations. This includes integrating measures into all relevant business processes. In addition, regular risk analyses must be conducted to identify and prioritize human rights and environmental risks. The results need to be communicated internally. ex:plore can support you in both risk management and regular risk analysis by providing real-time evaluations of the criteria checked and communicating measures based on the results to internal systems or appropriate contacts.

Risk management and risk analysis with software

Prevention & Remediation

When risks are identified, appropriate preventive measures must be taken immediately. This includes the issuance of a policy statement, implementation of measures in the company's own operations and at suppliers, training, control measures and regular inspections. In addition, immediate corrective measures must be taken to prevent, stop or minimize already occurred or imminent breaches of obligations. ex:plore can use automated mechanisms to transmit suitable follow-up measures to your systems or responsible employees or even trigger a complete "alert process" defined by you. In addition, information such as a policy statement can be shared across locations with all stakeholders. This ensures transparent documentation.

Share information and define preventive measures across the enterprise

Internal complaint procedures

The law requires the establishment of an internal complaints procedure that allows risks and violations to be identified. The process must be transparent, independent and publicly available. Companies must also establish complaint procedures for risks at indirect suppliers. Risk analysis and preventive measures are required when there are indications of non-compliance. The ex:plore audit software provides support in this area through audit-proof processes and transparent cross-company communication, even across locations.

​Documentation & reporting requirements

Fulfillment of due diligence obligations must be documented internally and published annually in a public report. The report must contain the identified risks, the measures taken and their effectiveness and must be kept available for seven years. The ex:plore platform supports you here as well. In just a few simple steps, you can generate a complete, audit-proof supply chain due diligence act report (LkSG report) that comprehensively presents the results of your supply chain audit and can be downloaded.

Why is a supply chain due diligence audit important?

In a globalized world with extensive supply chains, transparency is essential. The Supply Chain Act Audit (LkSG audit) ensures that companies take their supply chain due diligence responsibilities seriously. It requires companies to scrutinize not only their own business practices, but also those of their suppliers. By auditing your supply chains, you can best meet your due diligence obligations under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and identify areas for improvement.

Supply Chain Act software ex:plore - View suppliers & supply chains & generate Reports

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act has changed the landscape of corporate responsibility. By auditing suppliers and other stakeholders in their supply chains, companies not only meet their legal obligations, but also build trust with their customers. This promotes sustainable business practices over the long term. At a time when corporate social and environmental responsibility is increasingly coming to the fore, effective supply chain due diligence is not only desirable, but essential. ex:plore ensures that this obligation is not only met, but that an efficient digital solution is available to address the need for action and manage complex supply chains.


ex:plore audit software is already being used in many other areas to simplify audit processes. We are constantly adding new use cases for the audit software in our use case overview.

ex:plore is versatile: Get to know more use cases

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